A quiz about ES2015 block-scoped function declarations (in a with block statement)

04 Feb 2016

Quiz time, nerds.

Given the following bit of JS, what’s the value of window.f when lol gets called outside of the with statement?

with (NaN) {
  window.f = 1;
  function lol(){window.f = 2};
  function lol(){window.f = 3};

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Trick question, your program crashed before it got to call lol()!

According to ES2015, it should be a SyntaxError, because you’re redefining a function declaration in the same scope. Just like if you were re-declaring a let thingy more than once.

However, the real trick is that Chrome and Firefox will just ignore the first declaration so your program doesn’t explode (for now, anyways). So the answer is really just 3 (which you probably guessed).


Not surprisingly there are sites out there that depend on this funky declared-my-function-twice-in-the-same-scope pattern. webex.com was one (bug here), but they were super cool and fixed their code already. The Akamai Media Player on foxnews.com (bug here) is another (classic foxnews.com move).

It would be really cool if browsers didn’t have to do this, so if you know anybody who works on the Akamai Advanced Media Player, tell them to delete the second declaration of RecommendationsPlugin()? And if you see an error in Firefox that says redeclaration of block-scoped function 'coolDudeFunction' is deprecated, go fix that too — it might stop working one day.

Now don’t forget to like and subscribe to my Youtube ES2016 Web Compat Pranks channel.

(The with(NaN){} bit isn’t important, but it was lunch time when I wrote this.)